9 ways to enjoy Halloween with kids during covid
Pretty much every kid that I know is excited for Halloween. My girls have been talking about it since last year. But then along came coronavirus and everything is different.
Last year we probably thought nothing of our children going trick or treating, bustling the crowds and taking handfuls of candy out of bowls. Our biggest concern was of the sugar high to follow. But this year there is a much bigger concern. We need to be able to protect our children as well as our community from the spread of coronavirus.
In parts of the world, where numbers are low, this may not seem like a big deal. But I think that it’s a consideration we should all have.
Despite the concerns, I think it’s still possible to have a fun day. And for our kids who’ve been through so much this year I really want halloween to be safe, fun and scary!
Halloween during covid :
Decorate and get dressed up. You should still have fun decorating your house, carving pumpkins and getting into a scary dress up. Go all out this year! I’m sure that you can even find (or make) some frightening face masks for the night.
Halloween at home. I think this may work better for smaller children, but you can really make it a fun experience with dress ups and trick or treating in different rooms.
Terror hunt. This is a version of a treasure hunt. You can hide treats around your home or neighbourhood that kids have to find. You can even give creepy clues e.g. tonight is filled with gloom, look for the witch on her….. (candy is hidden behind the broom)
Horror film night. Watch the scariest movies and eat treats with a Halloween theme.
Limited regular trick or treating. Find a few neighbours who are happy to follow the social distancing rules and go to each other’s houses. Stay outside of course.
Drive by trick or treating. Go on a drive through your neighbourhood to enjoy the decorations. You can make this even more fun by having a scavenger hunt that includes what they might see e.g. cobwebs, a tombstone etc
A parade. You can arrange with neighbours that at a certain time all the kids will come out and parade (spaced out) down the street to show off the costumes. You can even throw wrapped candy at them.
Putting out candy. If you’re leaving out a bowl make sure it’s individually wrapped candy or better yet give out non-food items. If your child is collecting this make sure they sanitise their hands in between houses.
Giving out Candy. You can make it fun by using a broom or skeleton arm with a bucket on with candy. This enables you to maintain a bigger distance. Or you can set up a decorated table outside with you on one side and the trick or treated come to the other side. Either way all should be wearing a mask
Wear masks and keep socially distanced
Whatever you decide to do I think it’s important to reassure our children that despite the changes and extra precautions it will still be fun! They should still go all out with their costumes and they will still get to eat candy. Just not all on one night if you’re in my family 🙂
What are your plans for Halloween?
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