Boosting Brain Power!
As kids settle into the new school year it’s natural for us to want them to be prepared and ready to take on the challenges of the year. A big part of this means being ready to learn. Good nutrition is vital for brain development and functioning. It’s about what fuel we’re supplying their brains! Before I dive into my top brain boosting foods to help learning and concentration, I’d like to get my geek hat on and look at the science of brain development.
Brain development
The brain is an amazing organ that develops as a result of both our genes and what we’re exposed to nutritionally and environmentally. To me it’s the perfect example of the power of epigenetics.
The brain is one of the first organs your baby develops with the initial structure forming around 16 days after conception. Yes, before you even know you’re pregnant! Genes provide the basic architecture whilst the actual cells (neurons) and connections (synapses) develop as our children grow. There is a massive period of growth especially during the first 5 years of life. After this time brain growth continues at a slower pace and is pruned or shaped allowing more efficient brain function and more complex learning.
What affects brain development?
Endless studies have proven the detrimental effects of poor nutrition, poor relationships, infections, toxin exposure (e.g. alcohol & lead) and even chronic stress on the developing brain. I find it fascinating how the environment plays such a big role in shaping our children’s brains! By taking all of this information we can use it to help our children reach their full potential. In this blog I’ll address nutrition.
Brain boosting nutrients:
There are many nutrients that are vital for optimal brain growth and development. These include:
- Iron
- Iodine
- Omega 3
- Zinc
- Choline
- Protein
- Vitamin A
- Vitamin D
- B vitamins including folate, B6 & B12
Remember that nutrition for growing brains actually starts during (or even before) pregnancy. Highlighting the need for good antenatal care and ensuring that mums have a nutrient dense diet. It’s also important for mums to eat the right amount of calories as both too many or too little can cause problems for children even as they get older.
But let’s get practical. Here are a list of foods that incorporate these nutrients. Not all foods contain all of them so it’s important to give as many as possible and as often as possible. I suggest trying to include most over the course of the week if not daily. I think it’s a great list to keep in mind when preparing school lunchboxes. Even liver is possible especially if given as a pate 🙂 Nuts and seeds can be difficult if schools prohibit them so I usually give my kids a homemade nut and seed power bar to eat on the way to school.
Brain boosting foods:
- Eggs
- Fatty fish like salmon & sardines
- Red meat
- Liver
- Blueberries and other berries
- Green leafy vegetables
- Nuts and seeds like walnuts & pumpkin seeds
- Broccoli
- Avocado
- Herbs like turmeric & sage
- Dark chocolate (only occasionally of course!)
Keep in mind that there are also things to avoid as they can impair concentration: food colorants, food preservatives, highly processed or sugary foods. And as always hydration is so important (see my blog on water here).
Wishing all our children a wonderful year ahead full of exciting learning!