Creating Healthy Eaters
"You are what you eat from your head to your feet"
This is absolutely one of my favourite quotes because it's just so true! What our children eat has a huge impact on their health and well-being including growth, development, sleep, behaviour and mood. Eating calories isn't enough, it's about meeting the nutritional requirements of growing children. They need a multitude of nutrients like iron, iodine, choline, essential fatty acids and vitamins to name a few.
So I find it very disturbing that, according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, less than 1% of children consume the recommended intake of vegetables and legumes. And <5% meet their iron requirements.
So what can we do about this? Ideally we start early and help 'set' their taste buds and eating habits, but if we already have a fussy eater it's about considering any associated problems they may have as well as resetting their dietary habits.
If you're interested to learn more please watch the video below where I was interviewed on the topic in my private facebook group
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