What services Dr Deb offers
Eastern Suburbs Clinic
Dr Deb is currently accepting new patients. Please call +61-2-93695757 to make an appointment.
Dr Deb sees patients at her practice in Sydney’s eastern suburbs. During your initial visit she will take a detailed health history and perform a thorough physical examination. She may then need further information or suggest medical investigations. After this assessment she will discuss treatment options with families and develop an individualised management plan. She may also recommend referral to other specialists but this will all be discussed in detail.
Appointment times vary but we recommend that you allow approximately 45-60 minutes for an initial consultation and 15-30 minutes for all follow-up assessments. You will need a referral from your GP if you wish to claim a rebate from Medicare. Please don’t forget your child’s “bluebook” and any relevant medical test results or documentation.
Having a young child can be challenging especially if they are unsettled or crying a lot of the time. Are they hungry? Are they in pain? What are they trying to tell you? And they never seem to sleep! This is where Dr Deb can help. She will thoroughly assess your baby for conditions like reflux, excessive wind, feeding difficulties, milk intolerances, sleep apnoea and other possible causes. Although crying may simply be a form of communication it is important to know when to consider medical conditions. Dr Deb will initiate any required investigations and treatment. She will also guide and support parents to help their babies develop healthy sleep habits.

Fevers, recurrent illnesses, feeding difficulties, sleep problems, abnormal head shape and developmental concerns are just some of the conditions Dr Deb manages. She is happy to assess both acute and chronic medical concerns. And will also help with “typical troubles” like toddler tantrums, toilet training, bed wetting and controlling screen time. Many of these problems are not serious but it is important to know how to help your child and also to know warnings signs for more serious conditions.

We are what we eat and what we digest. This is one of the key elements of Dr Deb’s treatment approach. Is your child’s diet contributing to their illness? How can we use foods to optimise their health and development? Establishing healthy eating habits and good gut health are vital to helping your child thrive. Dr Deb will clear the food myths and give you useful information to help fill your child’s tummy with nutrient dense foods. She will guide you on how to start solids and manage fussy eating, nutrient deficiencies, food intolerances, food allergies, children who are overweight and children who are underweight and failing to thrive.

Itchy, red, bumpy, flaky. Rashes come in all forms and could be a benign birth mark but could indicate eczema, allergy, celiac disease, diabetes or other another chronic disease. The skin is a very important organ and it’s health needs to be maintained.
Did you know that it has a team of bacteria (the skin microbiome) that help keep us healthy? Although a simple cream may be all that is needed it is important to know if any other investigations or treatments are indicated.

Coughs, colds, ear infections, hayfever and asthma are just a few of the conditions Dr Deb manages.
She will help determine if your child needs further investigation and may combine conventional therapies with natural remedies.

Dr Deb regularly manages conditions like reflux, diarrhoea, constipation, celiac disease and abdominal pain. She will initiate any required investigations or therapy and also give relevant personalised nutritional advice. Beyond conventional medical conditions she is also a strong advocate for promoting gut health as a means to optimising general health. She will help you understand the importance of the gut microbiome and the emerging science on how it affects our physical and mental health.

Dr Deb is comfortable managing a wide array of complex conditions including thyroid problems, diabetes, premature puberty, kidney diseases, seizures (epilepsy) and genetic syndromes. She will often correspond or share care with subspecialists in order to provide the best care for your child.

This is an important opportunity to assess your child’s growth, development and behaviour to discuss any concerns you may have. It is also a time to review nutrition and lifestyle and to consider ways to prevent illness and to optimise their future health and wellness.
Dr Deb offers a comprehensive program that is part of her Happy Kids Complete Wellness Program.

Download this FREE fact sheet on how to confidently care for your child if they have a FEVER.
Learn what to do, when to go to hospital and be able to safely monitor symptoms and medication. It also includes a guide on febrile convulsions and what to expect if you go to hospital.
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