My Top 10 Iron Rich Foods
Iron is one of the most important nutrients of childhood and the majority of children I test are iron deficient. This is usually due to a combination of the high demand that growing bodies have as well as poor dietary intake. Sometimes children can also have specific problems with absorption or increased loss of iron (most commonly from gastrointestinal bleeding or heavy menstrual periods).
Having good iron levels helps with sleep, behaviour, apetite, energy levels, memory and learning. Did you know that low iron actually makes children sleep poorly? Although your child may need supplements, part of my treatment is always addressing their diet.
Animal sources are the most iron rich but it is absolutely possible for your child to get their iron requirements from plant based sources. So don’t worry if your child doesn’t eat meat 🙂 Here are my top iron rich foods.
Animal sources of iron:
This is the most concentrated source of iron and in a form that is easily absorbed. Buy the best quality you can afford, ideally grass fed & grass finished organic meats. Remember, you are what you eat and you are what you eat eats. So buying meat or organs from animals that have been humanely raised and fed on their natural food source is better for your conscience and your health.
- Red meats: lamb & beef
- Organ meats: liver from chicken, lamb or beef (may sound yuck but most kids love liver pate)
- Seafood: oysters, mussels, salmon/fish (less than red meats)
- Eggs: especially the yolks (again not as much as red meats)
Non-animal sources of iron:
Although this form of iron is less easily absorbed it can be improved if eaten with foods rich in vitamin C.
- Vegetables: silverbeet and other dark green leafy vegetables like spinach & chard
- Nuts & Seeds: especially cashews, almonds and pumpkin seeds
- Dried fruit: apricots, raisins, figs
- Beans & Pulses: lentils, kidney beans, quinoa. Best when prepared properly (soaking & slow cooking).
- Blackstrap Molasses: a natural and healthy sweetener (sweeter than honey & maple syrup) and can use in baking, or just add a bit to yoghurt or warm water.
- Dark chocolate: >70% better (shhhh!)
It’s important to be aware that too much dairy and other calcium rich foods can interfere with iron levels by inhibiting the absorption of iron from food. So it’s best for your child not to drink milk with their steak but consider adding a squeeze of lemon or orange juice.