Boost your child’s immunity!

Kids get sick all the time right? Snotty noses, coughs, vomits, diarrhoea, fevers, we’ve all been there. It’s awful having a sick child! Did you know that around 10 mild infections per year is actually considered normal, especially in the toddler and preschool age group. Yikes! But we can beat those stats by helping our kids flex their germ fighting muscles. And by this I really mean their germ fighting gut! Approximately 70% of our body’s immune cells live in our gut. Considering our immune system includes organs like the skin, tonsils, thymus, blood and lymph, that’s impressive. So to me (and lots of clever researchers) it makes perfect sense that a healthy gut keeps our whole body healthy. We need to have both a well balanced micriobiota (the good bacteria in the gut that keep us healthy) and a diet that supplies the nutrients our body needs. Here are some really simple tips to help you achieve this. Families I’ve looked after have said that by following these tips and optimising gut health, their kids don’t get sick as often or if they do, they have a milder and shorter illness.

My top tips:

1. Stay away from the snot. What I mean here is simple sensible advice to avoid anyone obviously unwell and to also teach your child to protect others. Cough into an elbow, blow noses into tissues and wash hands regularly. I’m not a fan of the antibacterial gels and soaps and there is no evidence they do a better job than simple soap and water hand washing.

2. Dump the junk. Minimise sugar and processed foods. Not only are these empty foods lacking in protective nutrients they can also aggravate inflammation in the body.

3. Boost the power foods. Ok, so here’s the ‘meat’ of it. What you want is a rainbow of foods ensuring to have foods rich in vitamin C, vitamin D, betacarotene (vitamin A), zinc, omega 3 as well as full of antioxidants, micronutrients and phytochemicals. These nutrients all help fight infection. If you can try and include these foods when your child is sick you’re doing great. Go through my list and think of some ideas for foods now – like roasted carrots with olive oil and a squeeze of lemon or a warm bowl of chicken soup with a few shredded mushrooms and a sprinkle of tumeric. And what child doesn’t like blueberries?

4. Fermented foods & probiotics. These support the good bacteria (gut flora or microbiota) that live in your gut. Scientific research into the microbiota is exploding but many studies have already shown it’s beneficial effect on the immune system. Fermented foods may need to be slowly introduced (it’s a flavour most kids aren’t used to). But probiotics are usually very easy to give.

5. Shake your body. By this I mean exercise, preferably outdoors. Get out in the sunshine to boost energy, endorphins and vitamin D and supercharge your immunity! Oh, and there’s no evidence that getting cold gives you a cold.

6. Sleep sweet sleep. Ahhh the illusive long stretches of sleep. Sadly many of us are sleep deprived. And so many studies have shown how vital sleep is for behaviour, growth, appetite and also immunity. So bundle them into bed as early as they let you.

7. Stress less. Cortisol is another culprit that can weaken our immune system. So introduce some simple relaxation or mindfulness moments like lying outside listening to sounds of nature, deep slow breathing or burning some calming oils like lavender or camomile. Teaching your child how to feel calmer is a valuable life long skill.

So I hope these tips help you and your family and that you all enjoy eating these yummy foods!

A simple super immunity smoothie recipe kids love!!!


Cup of frozen blueberries
Cup of fresh kale or spinach
1 frozen banana
¼ avocado
¼ cup kefir or a teaspoon of probiotics
4-8 frozen ice cubes of chicken soup broth depending on desired consistency
Juice of ½ lemon
1 teaspoon chia seeds


Throw it in a blender. Blend. Enjoy 🙂

(This makes around 600mls so feel free to adjust for different volumes)